“I haven’t been through or have done as much as Father Dehon but this is how I have followed Dehon’s teachings and qualities…”
This what Amanda Ferr, a graduating eighth-grader St. Martin of Tours School in Franklin, Wis., wrote in her award-winning reflection on Fr. Leo John Dehon, founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Each year the school holds an essay contest in which they challenge eighth graders to write about Fr. Dehon. Contest winners earn a modest scholarship. Fr. Yvon Sheehy, SCJ, is pastor of St. Martin of Tours.
Amanda’s essay:

Father Leo Dehon is a great influence. He has always been there to support and help others. Father Dehon had great love for the church and its community. He wanted to make sure that the presence and meaning of the church was always kept strong. Father Dehon wanted the people to see that God would always be there for them and lead them through the hard times. He taught people that God has them on a path for a reason and you should follow the path that God has set for you. Through all of his works he was very understanding with the people and dedicated to see that his message was heard.
I know that I am only 14 years old. I haven’t been through or have done as much as Father Dehon but this is how I have followed Dehon’s teachings and qualities. I have always tried to be a very kind and loving person towards others. I would always want to be there to help anyone whether its volunteering my time at a food shelter, helping a neighbor with shoveling the snow in winter, or just being their for a friend who needs someone to listen. I always try to be welcoming to everyone. My parents have always told me to never bully or pick on anyone. I know what it is like to be bullied and it’s hard to ignore all of the things that can be said or done. My parents always told me to never change who I am and eventually everything will work out. I was taught to be the better, stronger person. We are all created in Gods image. No one is perfect and everyone has flaws. Every person counts no matter what. Even if I don’t always like someone I have to look at the good things in that person in stead of the bad.
My parents and teachers have always taught me to do the right thing. I know that doing the right thing can be hard sometimes. I have been in situations where I could have made the wrong choice and would have been in trouble. I always think about what I say to others and how I would feel if that was said to me. I will always be there to help others through hard times. Sometimes all it takes is someone that is willing to give a listening ear and can be trusted. Even though I help people through hard times I also go through some myself. A couple years ago it was a hard time for the whole family. Sure sometimes we questioned why it happened to us. We never lost our faith in God. If anything it might have made us come closer to God. I have been taught that God does answer every prayer but sometimes the answer to that prayer may not always be the answer that you have wanted.
God has everything happen for a reason and eventually everything will work out. It just takes time and I have to stay on my path. God will always be there to keep you on your path but you just have to believe that he will be there with you every step of the way.
So sometimes all it takes is something small to make a big difference. It doesn’t always take a ton of people to make a change. It can just take one person. Father Dehon was one person and he made a big difference on many people. He didn’t do it for recognition. He made the difference just to make others happy and sometimes that is the greatest reward of all.