On Sunday, October 10, Duy Nguyen, SCJ, was ordained to the diaconate at Christ the King Church in Southaven, Miss. It is one of the parishes where he will serve as a deacon, starting October 11.
Dn. Duy, 32, didn’t have to go to far when he joined the province formation program. Born and raised on the north side of Chicago, Dn. Duy prepared for religious life only a short drive from his childhood haunts.
He first came in contact with the SCJs in 1999 when his family was invited to a gathering at the province’s formation house. “At that time, I did not know who they were or what they were all about,” said Dn. Duy. It would be another three years –– at a youth gathering in Toronto –– before Dn. Duy would formally meet the community and “eventually discover my calling and the charism of the SCJs.”

He had to go to another country to discover the religious community of which he would be a part, the one with a community house just a few miles from his childhood home.
He professed his first vows in 2006. Dn. Duy’s final profession was in January, 2010.
“This was a milestone for our U.S. Province,” said Fr. Tom Cassidy, SCJ, provincial superior, when Dn. Duy made his final profession. “With his final profession Duy became the first American-born Vietnamese to do so. We, in a nation of immigrants, note the importance of this moment. He brings to our community values from his ancient homeland now mixed with values developed as a child growing up in Chicago, and as a candidate and young SCJ religious.”
Before entering candidacy, Dn. Duy studied at the University of Illinois in Champaign. He later transferred to the University of Chicago and earned a bachelor’s degree in Information and Decision Sciences (he describes it as a mix of computer and business skills).
Dn. Duy graduated from Catholic Theological Union in spring. He broke up his studies two years ago with a pastoral year based in Lower Brule, S.D. This past summer he took part in an intensive Spanish language course in Argentina.
“What attracts me to this community is the presence of the Spirit of God,” said Dn. Duy as he prepared for his ordination. “I find the Spirit active and vibrant in the work we do, the community life we share, and the laughter we exchange. It is this same stirring Spirit that propelled me to the SCJs seven years ago.”
“Dehon’s life is proof that union with God is not far-fetched,” added Dn. Duy, talking about the founder, Fr. Leo John Dehon. “All it takes is hard work, discipline and the grace of God.”
Click here to view photos from the ordination.