Helping a former student
He’s not the story, but Fr. Johnny Klingler, SCJ, had an important role in the life of someone who is at the heart of it.
In 2007, Fr. Johnny was a member of the Benedict Center’s Board of Directors and a frequent tutor, helping clients at the Milwaukee-based social service center study for their high school equivalency certifications.
Mary McCauley was one of those women. Getting her high school equivalency helped to open doors for her, but still, it’s not easy for a single mother to make ends meet and stay out of some of the challenging situations that led to contact with the Benedict Center in the first place (the center often helps women who have been involved in illegal activities, including substance abuse).

Although he lost touch with many of his students, Fr. Johnny continues to stay in contact with Mary. Near the end of the year, the two of them met for lunch. It was then that he learned about “Gifts for the Journey,” a business venture where the bottom line focuses on helping women to rebuild their lives.
Gifts for the Journey is a non-profit social enterprise run by women with a history of abuse, prostitution and/or addiction. The women make and sell specialty soaps and other bath products
Mary told Fr. Johnny that she was working with the newly developing organization.
“Would you like to buy some soap?” she asked him.
He said that he would, but that he also knew of a lot of other people who might like her products. Just before Christmas he set up a display in the dining room at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. Prior to it “I talked up the products with the residents and told them about the women who were helped by the business,” said Fr. Johnny.
Inspired by the mission of Gifts for the Journey, one of the residents at SHML offered to assist with the display. “Jane Gore was a big help staffing the table,” said Fr. Johnny.”
Jane wasn’t the only one inspired by the idea behind Gifts for the Journey,

“We sold over $600 of products,” said Fr. Johnny. “And it wasn’t that people were simply being generous; these are good products. I’ve given them as gifts myself.”
Gifts for the Journey was developed by the Franciscan Peacemakers, a Catholic outreach program that goes to Milwaukee’s inner city streets to work with people who have turned to prostitution, often to support drug addictions.
In the spring, Fr. Johnny plans to again set up a display at SHML. However, purchases can also be made online at
A sale tip from Fr. Johnny if you go buy products online: “Type the word ‘Mary’ in the promotion code box at the checkout and receive a 5% discount on the order.”
“Mary,” of course, is Fr. Johnny’s former student.
“It’s amazing what she has been able to do with her life since I first met her; there are so many challenges,” said Fr. Johnny. “This is just one way for her, and other women like her, to continue to rebuild their lives.”